Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Windows xp vs. Windows Vista

What do you think? Windows Vista or Windows xp. For us it is Windows xp.
For those of you who don't know, Vista is the newest version of Windows. Vista came out with a business setup. It currently has nine different versions , which include home versions.
We personally don't like it because it can get a lot of viruses and uses a lot of memory. It is very hard to buy a new computer with out it, but because of all of the complaints, Dell gives you a choice. There are a few good points like the brighter color and better picture.
We believe that Windows Vista is not worth the learning process and the ratings show that it is not very good.

Chad L. Chris E. Eric M.


Anonymous said...

I agree, it is hard to get without Vista, but I think that it is worth getting. I don't think it is much difference, but for my computer Windows Vista is so easy. It has more variety for your setup, better games, and is just easier to function. I'm a persn has had XP forever and when I got Vista Home Premium, I fell in love with it. I have seen many complaints about Vista, but I don't see what is wrong with it. I'm not against XP, but I really do like Vista better.

Anonymous said...

I teach at a community college that currently has Windows XP all over campus. In the college's computer services department we have a computer with Windows Vista on it to test programs that we currently use in our classes. We have found that some of the programs that we use for some of the courses that are taught will not work in Windows Vista. So we've decided to stick with what we have now.
I own a laptop with Vista on it and am still trying to find everything!! It's nerve wracking!! I suppose that once I get used to it, I will be ok. The same thing happened when Windows XP came out.
Like they say "Technology changes everyday" and so it is just something we are all going to have to deal with.

Anonymous said...

Alot of schools have really old computers and that can be a problem with Vista. But if your computer is one that your school just bought, Vista is the better choice. Its alot more secure so you will get less viruses (you shouldn't get any if you protect your computer) and the computer people at your computer can manage them better because there are some new things administrators can do in vista that you could not in XP, but I wont bore you with them here :)