Friday, January 25, 2008

School lunches

Most people love school lunches but we think we should have more of a variety for our lunch. They should change the lunches sometimes. During lent they always have meat. They should have fish sticks. We also think we should have breakfast. Some of us might not have time to go over to the grade school to eat breakfast. We think we should get different food like ravioli, pizza, and other food. That is why we need more of a variety at lunch.

Tiffany V.
Melissa W.
Gretchen M.


Kellie Mast said...

Tiffany, Gretchen, and Melissa,
I agree with all! They should serve breakfast for us and they should serve meals according to the variety of religions that we have in the school. Yea to the idea of incorporating a bigger variety of food on the menu, too!

Anonymous said...

thank u kellie.maybe we should go talk to the school board and see if they could or would do that!!!!

BloggerPaul said...

I totally agree. I don't eat lunch at our school and I still think the lunches could use a touch-up or two. The lunches are never what you really want and they repeat them every week, so it seems!