Your classroom should be prepared. You need to close the windows and blinds, lock and shut the door,turn off the lights, remain silent and cooperative, turn off all electronics, and remove the battery from cell phones, blackberry's, and other hand held devices. Make sure all children stay with the group the teacher is in. Now there is possibility you may be in the hallway, you are to run to the nearest classroom and try to get in. For more information go to school lock downs.
We hope you have learned something from this. If you or anyone you know doesn't know what to do in a lock down please tell them, because safety is key, and we want everyone to stay safe.
Serenity N.
Courtney P.
Kaytlynn S.
Courtney P.
Kaytlynn S.
My school has been in and practiced lockdowns. I was wondering what the reason was for removing batteries from cell phones and other hand held devices?
In connection with these drills, I am wondering how often you practice them. At my school we often have the local police come out and observe and make suggestions for our drills. I discuss your blog at the following address. I am also using your blog as a student example for a class I am taking.
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