Monday, December 17, 2007

Student Blogging

We are going to try some student blogging starting in 2008! My name is Shaun Carey and I am the junior high science teacher at Payson Seymour High School. I am excited about this chance to get our kids working on some "now" technology. I feel that this is very important in today's educational system. Hopefully this will open some technology doors for Payson Seymour students. I have been blogging for about a year now and am anxious to see if my students get into it as much as I have. I have been making it a requirement that my students go onto my blog and comment once a month. It is for a grade and gets them familiar with the process.

If any educators read this that have done this in their classrooms I would appreciate any advice you have to offer. Thank you and I hope that our projects and discussions will be helpful to other students and teachers.


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